College of Law

Home WALLACE STEGNER CENTER EDR Environmental Dispute Resolution Collaboration Certificate Course


Every year, the EDR Program offers our flagship Collaboration Certificate Course (CCC). The 7-session online course teaches the “art and science” of collaborative problem-solving through lectures, case studies, peer-to-peer sharing, discussion, and simulation exercises. The course is specifically designed for and targeted toward mid- and upper-level professionals working on environmental, natural resource, and public policy issues.

Course participants acquire:

  • Awareness and skills to help them harness the co-creative potential of conflict and participate in multi-party collaborative processes;
  • Techniques that will help them identify opportunities for collaborative problem-solving, as well as skills for convening, facilitating, and sustaining collaborative efforts; and
  • Experience assessing whether a situation is ready for a collaborative approach.

Upon completing the course, participants receive a certificate issued by the EDR Program. They also have the opportunity to join the EDR Program’s Collaborative Leadership Network, which provides opportunities for continued education, coaching, and peer-to-peer support.

The next Collaboration Certificate Course takes place September 7, 2023 - March 13, 2024; session dates and topics are listed in the table below. Applications are due April 30, 2023.

For additional information, see the course flyer or contact

Session Dates & Times Content
Session 1 Sep 7, 2023 (9am-3pm) Introductions, expectations, and core skills
Session 2 Sep 27, 2023 (9am-5pm)
Sep 28, 2023 (9am-3pm)
Introduction to collaboration and key concepts
Session 3 Oct 25, 2023 (9am-5pm)
Oct 26, 2023 (9am-3pm)
Interest-based negotiation and other key skills for collaborative problem solving
Session 4 Nov 15, 2023 (9am-5pm)
Nov 16, 2023 (9am-3pm)
Assessing opportunities for collaboration
Session 5 Dec 13, 2023 (9am-5pm)
Dec 14, 2023 (9am-3pm)
Different contexts of and approaches to environmental, natural resource, and public policy collaboration
Session 6 Jan 10, 2024 (9am-5pm)
Jan 11, 2024 (9am-3pm)
Facilitation skills, adaptive leadership, and self-leadership
Session 7 Mar 13, 2024 (9am-5pm) Graduation session — Situation Assessment Project presentations

Thanks to the generosity of our scholarship sponsors, we are able to create diverse participant cohorts each year. We welcome additional scholarship support; please contact for more information.

What our graduates have to say:

“As someone who spent many years in school, I can say that the EDR Program Effective Natural Resource Collaboration short course is one of the best classes I have ever taken! I was interested in continuing my skill-building through this professional training and was blown away by how engaging and applicable the materials were. I did not expect to develop such strong partnerships with my peers via remote learning, and Danya and Nedra are so committed and passionate that it’s impossible not to dive right in! Thank you for this opportunity!”

Dr. Evelyn Pickering, Post-Doctoral Researcher (University of Arizona) on an NSF-Funded project on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation
“This EDR course on environment and natural resource collaboration provided me with valuable tools that have helped me expand my professional skillset around negotiation, collaboration, and facilitation. Additionally, I appreciated how the course helped me connect those skillsets to what I value in my personal life and understand how these concepts are as much a part of who I am as they are things that I do.”

Elisha Hornung, U.S. Forest Service
“This is a lifestyle change for me!  From now on I will be conducting situation assessments/readiness checks before convening major projects or any collaborative process.”

Laura Bolyard, National Park Service
“[I learned that] situation assessments are a key action before and during multiparty collaboration. This course really got me thinking and using well researched materials, studies, and applied theories while connecting with a great cohort of co-learners who’ve given themselves permission to keep learning.”

Laura Briefer, Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities
Learning facilitative practices and philosophy in the EDR Short Course has helped me immensely. Focusing on asking good questions and remembering that most people just want to be heard has been a revolutionary way to approach navigating conversations with people I love who process and communicate so differently than I do.”

Cassidy Jones, National Parks Conservation Association
“One crucial skill I got to practice during this course was learning how to be truly present and attentive; listening carefully and being inquisitive and empathetic regarding the interests and viewpoints of others." 

Keith Lawrence, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
“[The course taught me that] conflict just is, not really this giant monster I had been trying to avoid – instead it can be an opportunity to enact meaningful change.”

Jordan Katcher, Utah Community Development Office
"Not every situation is ripe for collaboration -- that was a great lightbulb moment for me in this course that I am taking directly into my work and life!”

Josh Johnson, Idaho Conservation League

Our Selection Criteria

All applications to the Collaboration Certificate Course (CCC) will be carefully considered. Preference is given to candidates who are:

  • Mid-to-upper career level professionals in environmental, natural resource, and/or public policy sectors
  • Working in Utah and/or the Mountain West
  • Positioned to exercise leadership within their organizations/communities
  • Positioned to benefit from the CCC training (e.g., they do not have extensive prior training in ADR, conflict resolution, etc.)
  • Able to bring diversity to the cohort (e.g., represent different interests, backgrounds, organizations, perspectives, etc.)
  • Able to attend all class sessions

We receive far more requests for scholarship funding than we can accommodate. Priority consideration is given to candidates who meet the above criteria and who also: 1) work for small NGO’s, small local government agencies, and/or tribal organizations; and 2) do not have access to training funds.