College of Law

The Wallace Stegner Center’s Environmental Dispute Resolution (EDR) Program fosters a culture of collaboration around the environment, natural resource, and broader public policy issues, with a particular focus on Utah and the Mountain West. We do so through helping professionals in natural resource and public policy fields build their capacity to be more skillful in engaging with and working through conflict.



What Is Conflict Competence and What Are the Core Conflict Competencies?

Oct 26, 2023

Over the past year, I have written a series of EDR Blogs sharing my thoughts about how and why we tend to go so wrong […]

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Courage: An Overarching Skill for Making Conflict Productive

Oct 01, 2023

If you have been reading my recent blogs, you know I believe the following four skills are key for making conflict productive: calm, compassion, curiosity, […]

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Compassion: A Prerequisite for Calm, Curiosity, and Creativity When Dealing with Conflict

Sep 01, 2023

My past blogs have made the case that three basic ingredients are key to making conflict productive: calm, curiosity, and creativity.  If making conflict productive […]

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Curiosity is a Superpower When Dealing with Conflict

Jul 26, 2023

If you’ve been following the EDR Blog, you know I have been working on a series of blogs explaining why conflict tends to be so […]

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